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           Cimini Lab   Department of Biological Sciences

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Nico is the recipient of a GSDA fellowship

Daniela Cimini is a co-Investigator on a new NIH-R21 awarded to Felicia Etzkorn (VT – Chemistry)

Nico receives the Robert and Marion Patterson Scholarship for excellence in research

Nico gives an invited talk at the departmental Research Day


Ellen is the recipient of a GSDA fellowship

Ellen Garcia is featured in the VT news [Link]

Ellen is awarded the 2018 Outstanding Graduate Student Service Excellence Award

Daniela joins the editorial board of the Journal of Cell Biology [Link]


Our permanent exhibit at the Nature Center is featured in the VT news [Link]

Nico gives an oral presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology

The Cimini lab receives the Silver Green lab certification

Ellen is awarded the Edward Carney Predictive Toxicology Award for her poster at the 6th annual meeting of the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology

The Cimini lab sets up a new permanent exhibit at the SEEDS Blacksburg Nature Center


The Cimini lab produces the cell dance video “Cell Division: Live & Up Close,” also featured in the VT news [Link]

Ellen is awarded the “Tox21 award” for her oral presentation at the 5th annual meeting of the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology

Sam’s paper is featured in the VT news [Link]

Sarah Mount is awarded a Department of Biological Sciences Research Award


The Cimini Lab presents the “It's a Small World!” exhibit at the Virginia Tech MOSS Art Center
for the Virginia Science festival

Daniela is featured in the VT magazine [Link]

Kim Soto is featured in the VT news [Link]

Daniela is awarded a new National Science foundation grant ($578K)

The Cimini lab is featured in the local evening news [Link]

Josh’s paper is featured in the VT news [Link]

A video from our eLife paper was featured as the Biomedical Picture of the Day on the website
of Imperial College London – MRC Clinical Science Center [Link]

Albert Hinman receives the Arthur Buikema and M. Alison Galway Outstanding Senior Award

Bin He receives a GRDA assistantship


The Cimini Lab presents the “Cells alive! - How one cell becomes two, four, many” exhibit
at the SEEDS – Blacksburg Nature Center for the Virginia Science festival

Daniela is the Keynote Speaker at The Triangle Cytoskeleton Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC

Daniela is featured in the College of Science magazine annual issue on “Women in Science”
[PDF Page 8-9]

Josh Nicholson is selected as the College of Science Outstanding Doctoral Student

Josh Nicholson receives best oral presentation award at 11th Departmental Research Day


Albert Hinman receives a Fralin Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Aaron Mattingly receives the Departmental Outstanding Senior Researcher Award

Bin He received 3rd place poster award at 2013 ILSB Research Symposium

Josh Nicholson is a finalist for the College of Science Roundtable award

Albert Hinman receives a Departmental Undergraduate Research Award

Josh Nicholson is awarded GRDA fellowship

Josh Nicholson receives the best poster award in MCB category at 10th Departmental Research Day


Apoorva Mishra receives a Fralin Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Josh Nicholson receives 3rd place poster award at HNFE/ILSB Research Symposium

Bin He receives 1st place poster award at HNFE/ILSB Research Symposium

Bin He receives award for best poster in Mol. & Cell Biology category at 9th Departmental Research Day


Bin He receives the American Society for Cell Biology "Cell Dance" outreach category award

Will Silkworth receives a "2010" graduate assistantship

Will Silkworth receives runner-up College of Science Roundtable award

Will Silkworth receives best oral presentation award at 8th Departmental Research Day


Daniela visits Japan and presents talks in Nagoya and Tokyo

Will Silkworth receives a "2010" graduate assistantship

Will Silkworth receives the Robert and Marion Patterson scholarship

Natalie Hisdahl receives a Departmental Undergraduate Research Award

Brooke Wehausen receives a Fralin Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

 Year 2010
Daniela receives a Human Frontiers Science Program grant
($1.05M between Cimini, Gregan, and Tolic-Nørelikke labs; 2010 - 2013)

Isaac Nardi receives the Departmental Outstanding Senior Researcher Award

Daniela receives the Department of Biological Sciences Outstanding Research Award

Isaac Nardi receives ACC research fellowship

Will Silkworth receives 1st place poster award at 7th Departmental Research Day


Kelley Miller receives a Departmental Undergraduate Research Award

Isaac Nardi receives a Fralin Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship


Daniela is awarded a National Science foundation grant ($944K; 2009 - 2013)

Isaac Nardi receives a Fralin Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship


Daniela is awarded a Thomas F. Jeffress and Kate Miller Jeffress
Memorial Trust Grant ($45k; Jan 2007 - Dec 2009)