Webster, J.R., J.B. Waide, and B.C. Patten.  1975.  Nutrient cycling and the stability of ecosystems.  Pages 1-27 In  Mineral Cycling in Southeastern Ecosystems.  F.G. Howell, J.B. Gentry, M.H. Smith (Editors).  ERDA CONF-740513.  Reprinted as pages 136-162 in:  Systems Ecology.  H.H. Shugart and R.V. O'Neill (editors.).  Benchmark Papers in Ecology, Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross, Inc. Stroudsburg, PA.
Webster, J.R., and J.B. Wallace.  1975.  Productivity of Southeastern stream ecosystems.  Pages 64-77 in Symposium on Trout Habitat Research and Management Proceedings.  Southeast. For. Exp. Sta., Asheville, NC.

Waide, J.B., and J.R. Webster.  1976.  Engineering systems analysis:  Applicability to ecosystems.  Pages 329-371 in Systems Analysis and Simulation in Ecology, Vol. IV.  B.C. Patten (editor).  Academic Press, New York.

Wallace, J.B., J.R. Webster, and W.R. Woodall.  1977.  The role of filter feeders in flowing waters.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 79:506-532.

Monk, C.D., D.A. Crossley, Jr., W.T. Swank, R.L. Todd, J.B. Waide, and J.R. Webster.  1977.  An overview of nutrient cycling research at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory.  Pages 35-49 in Watershed Research in Eastern North America.  D.L. Correll (editor).  Smithsonian, Washington, DC.

Webster, J.R.  1977.  Large particulate organic matter processing in stream ecosystems.  Pages 505-526 in Watershed Research in Eastern North America.  D.L. Correll (editor).  Smithsonian, Washington, DC.

Webster, J.R., and G.M. Simmons, Jr.  1978.  Leaf breakdown and invertebrate colonization on a reservoir bottom.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 20:1587-1596.

Webster, J.R. 1978.  Hierarchy theory and ecosystem models.  Pages 119-129 in Theoretical Systems Ecology.  E. Halfon (editor).  Academic Press, New York.

Webster, J.R., and D.A. Crossley, Jr.  1978.  Evaluation of two models for predicting elemental accumulation by arthropods. Environmental Entomology 7:411-417.

Cairns, J., Jr., E.F. Benfield, and J.R. Webster (editors).  1978. Current Perspectives on River-Reservoir Ecosystems.  North American Benthological Society, Springfield, Illinois.

Webster, J.R., and B.C. Patten.  1979.  Effects of watershed perturbation on stream potassium and calcium dynamics.  Ecological Monographs 49:51-72.

Webster, J.R., E.F. Benfield, and J. Cairns, Jr.  1979.  Model predictions of the effects of stream regulation on particulate organic matter transport.  Pages 337-364 in The Ecology of Regulated Streams.  J.V. Ward and J.A. Stanford (editors).  Plenum Press, New York.

Benfield, E.F., R.W. Paul, Jr., and J.R. Webster.  1979.  Influence of exposure technique on leaf breakdown in streams.  Oikos 33:386-391.

Gurtz, M.E., J.R. Webster, and J.B. Wallace.  1980.  Seston dynamics in southern Appalachian streams:  Effects of clearcutting.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and  Aquatic Sciences 37:624-631.

Hornick, L.E., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  1981.  Periphyton primary production in an Appalachian mountain trout stream.  American Midland Naturalist 106:22-36.

Newbern,  L.A., J.R. Webster, E.F. Benfield, and J.H. Kennedy.  1981.  Organic matter transport in an Appalachian Mountain river.  Hydrobiologia  83:73-83.

Hill, B.H., and J.R. Webster. 1982.  Aquatic macrophyte breakdown in an Appalachian River.  Hydrobiologia 89:53-59.

Webster, J.R., and J.B. Waide.  1982.  Effects of forest clearcutting on leaf breakdown in a southern Appalachian stream.  Freshwater Biology 12:331-343.

Wallace, J.B., J.R. Webster, and T.F. Cuffney.  1982.  Stream detritus dynamics: Regulation by invertebrate consumers.  Oecologia (Berlin) 53:197-200.

Hill, B.H., and J.R. Webster.  1982.  Periphyton primary production in the New River.  Hydrobiologia  97:275-280.

Golladay, S.W., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  1983. Factors affecting food utilization by a leaf shredding aquatic insect: Leaf species and conditioning time.  Holartic Ecology 6:157-162.

Kirby, J.M., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  1983.  The role of shredders in detrital dynamics of permanent and temporary streams.  Pages 425-435 in Dynamics of Lotic Ecosystems.  T.D. Fontaine III and S.M. Bartell (editors).  Ann Arbor Press, Ann Arbor.

Hill, B.H., and J.R. Webster.  1983.  Aquatic macrophyte contribution to the New River organic matter budget.  Pages 273-282 in Dynamics of Lotic Ecosystems.  T.D. Fontaine III and S.M. Bartell (editors).  Ann Arbor Press, Ann Arbor.

Webster, J.R., M.E. Gurtz, J.J. Hains, J.L. Meyer, W.T. Swank, J.B. Waide, and J.B. Wallace.  1983.  Stability of stream ecosystems.  Pages 355-395 in Stream Ecology.  J. Barnes and G.W. Minshall (editors).  Plenum Press, New York.

Webster, J.R.  1983.  The role of benthic macroinvertebrates in detritus dynamics of streams:  a computer simulation.  Ecological Monographs 53:383-404.

Hill, B.H., and J.R. Webster.  1984.  Productivity of Podostemum ceratophyllum in the New River, Virginia.  American Journal of Botany 71:130-136.

Hill, B.H., J.R. Webster, and A.E. Linkins.  1984.  Problems in the use of closed chambers for measuring photosynthesis by a lotic macrophyte.  Pages 69-75 in Ecological Assessment of Macrophyton:  Collection, Use, and Meaning of Data.  H.M. Dennis and B.G. Isom (editors).  ASTM, Philadelphia.

Mulholland, P.J., J.W. Elwood, J.D. Newbold, J.R. Webster, L.A. Ferren, and R.P. Perkins.  1984.  Phosphorus uptake by decomposing leaf detritus:  effect of microbial biomass and activity.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.  22:1899-1905.

Webster, J.R., and S.W. Golladay.  1984.  Seston transport in streams at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina, U.S.A.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 22:1911-1919.

Cuffney, T.F., J.B. Wallace, and J.R. Webster.  1984.  Influence of invertebrates on detrital processing in southern Appalachian streams:  A manipulative approach.  Freshwater Invertebrate Biology 3:153-171.

Benfield, E.F., and J.R. Webster.  1985.  Shredder abundance and leaf breakdown in an Appalachian Mountain stream.  Freshwater Biology 15:113-120.

Webster, J.R., and W.T. Swank.  1985.  Within-stream factors affecting nutrient transport from forested and logged watersheds.  Pages 18-41 in Proceedings of Forestry and Water Quality:  A mid-South Symposium.  B. Blackman (editor). University of Arkansas, Monticello, Arkansas.

Mulholland, P.J., J.D. Newbold, J.W. Elwood, L.A. Ferren, and J.R. Webster.  1985.  Phosphorus spiralling in a woodland stream:  seasonal variations.  Ecology 66:1012-1023.

Webster, J.R. and W.T. Swank.  1985.  Stream research at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory.  Pages 868-873 in Proceedings of the Specialty Conference Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age.  Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, August 12-17, 1985

Webster, J.R., E. Blood, S.V. Gregory, M.E. Gurtz, R.E. Sparks, and M. Thurman.  1985.  Long-term research in stream ecology.  Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 66:346-353.

Webster, J.R., and E.F. Benfield.  1986. Vascular plant breakdown in freshwater ecosystems.  Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 17:567-594.

Lowe, R.L., S.W. Golladay, and J.R. Webster.  1986. Periphyton response to nutrient manipulation in streams draining disturbed and forested watersheds. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 5:221-229.

Golladay, S.W., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  1987. Changes in stream morphology and storm transport of seston following watershed disturbance.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 6:1-11.

Perry, W.B., E.F. Benfield, S.A. Perry, and J.R. Webster.  1987.  Energetics, growth, and production of a leaf-shedding aquatic insect in an Appalachian Mountain stream.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 6:12-25.

Webster, J.R., E.F. Benfield, S.W. Golladay, L.E. Hornick, B.H. Hill, R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr., and W.B. Perry.  1987.  Experimental studies of physical factors affecting transport of particulate materials in streams.  Limnology and Oceanography 32:848-863.

Kazmierczak, R.F., Jr., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  1987.  Characteristics of seston in a regulated Appalachian Mountain river, USA.  Regulated Rivers 1:287-300.

Peters, G.T., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  1987.  Microbial activity associated with seston in headwater streams:  effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and temperature.  Freshwater Biology 18:405-413.

Webster, J.R., E.F. Benfield, S.W. Golladay, R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr., W.B. Perry, and G.T. Peters.  1988.  Effects of watershed disturbance on stream seston characteristics.  Pages 279-294 in Forest Hydrology and Ecology at Coweeta.  W.T. Swank and D.A. Crossley, Jr. (editors).  Springer-Verlag, New York, New York.

Golladay, S.W., and J.R. Webster.  1988.  Effects of clearcut logging on wood breakdown in Appalachian Mountain streams.  American Midland Naturalist 119:143-155.

Pringle, C.M., R.J. Naiman, G. Bretschko, J.R. Karr, M.W. Oswood, J.R. Webster, R. Welcomme, and M.J. Winterbourn.  1988.  Patch dynamics in lotic systems:  the stream as a mosaic.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 7:503-524.

Golladay, S.W., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  1989. Changes in stream benthic organic matter following watershed disturbance.  Holartic Ecology 12:96-105.

Peters, G.T., E.F. Benfield, and J.R. Webster.  1989.  Chemical composition and microbial activity of seston in a southern Appalachian headwater stream.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 8:74-84.

Stream Solute Workshop.  1990.  Solute dynamics in streams.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 9:95-119.  (19 Co-authors).

Webster, J.R., S.W. Golladay, E.F. Benfield, D.J. D'Angelo, and G.T. Peters.  1990.  Effects of forest disturbance on particulate organic matter budgets of small streams.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 9:120-140.

Benfield, E.F., J.R. Webster, S.W. Golladay, G.T. Peters, and B.M. Stout.  1991.  Effects of forest disturbance on leaf breakdown in four southern Appalachian streams.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.  24:1687-1690.

Webster, J.R., D.J. D'Angelo, and G.T. Peters.  1991.  Effects of watershed disturbance on nitrate and phosphate uptake in streams at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.  24:1681-1686.

Wallace, J.B., T.F. Cuffney, J.R. Webster, G.J. Lugthart, K. Chung, and B.S. Goldowitz.  1991.  Export of fine organic particles from headwater streams:  Effects of season, extreme discharges, and invertebrate manipulation.  Limnology and Oceanography 36:670-682.

D'Angelo, D.J., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  1991.  Mechanisms of stream phosphorus retention:  an experimental study.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 10:225-237.

D'Angelo, D.J., and J.R. Webster.  1991.  Phosphorus retention in streams draining pine and hardwood watersheds in the southern Appalachian Mountains.  Freshwater Biology 26:335-345.

Webster, J.R., S.W. Golladay, E.F. Benfield, J.L. Meyer, W.T. Swank, and J.B. Wallace.  1992.  Catchment disturbance and stream response:  an overview of stream research at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory.  Pages 231-253 in River Conservation and Management.  P.J. Boon, P. Calow, and G.E. Petts (editors).  Wiley, Chichester.

Golladay, S.W., J.R. Webster, E.F. Benfield, and W.T. Swank.  1992.  Changes in stream stability following forest clearing as indicated by storm nutrient budgets.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Suppl. 90:1-33.

Wallace, J.B., J.R. Webster, and R.L. Lowe.  1992.  High gradient streams of the Appalachians.  Pages 133-191 in Biodiversity of Southeastern United States/Aquatic Communities.  C.T. Hackney, S.M. Adams, and W.A. Martin (editors).  Wiley, New York.

D'Angelo, D.J. and J.R. Webster.  1992.  Effects of constrainment techniques on leaf breakdown rates.  Hydrobiologia 237:39-46.

Stout, B.M., E.F. Benfield, and J.R. Webster.  1993.  Effects of forest disturbance on shredder production in southern Appalachian headwater streams.  Freshwater Biology 29:59-69.

D'Angelo, D.J., J.R. Webster, S.V. Gregory and J.L. Meyer.  1993.  Transient storage in Appalachian and Cascade Mountain streams as related to hydraulic characteristics.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 12:223-235.

Wallace, J.B., M.R. Whiles, J.R. Webster, T.F. Cuffney, G.L. Lugthart, and K. Chung.  1993.  Dynamics of inorganic particles in headwater streams and their linkages to invertebrates.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 12:112-125.

Tank, J.L., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  1993.  Microbial respiration on decaying leaves and sticks along an elevational gradient of a southern Appalachian stream.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 12:394-405.

Webster, J.R., A.P. Covich, J.L. Tank, and T.V. Crockett.  1994.  Retention of large particles of organic matter in streams in the southern Appalachian Mountains.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 13:140-150.

Webster, J.R., J.B. Wallace, and E.F. Benfield.  1995.  Streams and rivers of eastern United States.  Pages 117-187 in River and Stream Ecosystems.  C.E. Cushing, K. Cummins, G.W. Minshall (editors).  Elsevier Press, Amsterdam.

Wallace, J.B., J.R. Webster, and J.L. Meyer.  1995.  Influence of log additions on physical and biotic characteristics of a mountain stream.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  52:2120-2137.

Webster, J.R., and T.P. Ehrman.  1996.  Solute dynamics.  Pages 145-160 in Methods in Stream Ecology.  F.R. Hauer and G.A. Lamberti (editors).  Academic Press, San Diego.

Wallace, J.B., and J.R. Webster.  1996.  The role of macroinvertebrates in stream ecosystem function.  Annual Review of Entomology 41:115-139.

Hutchens, J.J., E.F. Benfield, and J.R. Webster.  1997.  Diet and growth of a leaf-shredding caddisfly in southern Appalachian streams of contrasting disturbance history.  Hydrobiologia 346:193-201.

Mulholland, P.J., E.R. Marzolf, J.R. Webster, D.R. Hart, and S.P. Hendricks.  1997.  Evidence that hyporheic zones increase heterotrophic metabolism and phosphorus uptake in forested streams.  Limnology and Oceanography 42:443-451.

Webster, J.R. and J.L. Meyer (editors).  1997.  Stream organic matter budgets.  Journal  of the North American Benthological Society 16:3-161

Webster, J.R., and J.L. Meyer.  1997.  Stream organic matter budgets -- introduction. Pages 5-13 in J.R. Webster and J.L. Meyer (editors).  Stream organic matter budgets.  Journal  of the North American Benthological Society 16:3-161.

Webster, J.R., J.L. Meyer, J.B. Wallace, and E.F. Benfield.  1997.  Organic matter dynamics in Hugh White Creek, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina, USA.  Pages 74-78 in J.R. Webster and J.L. Meyer (editors).  Stream organic matter budgets.  Journal  of the North American Benthological Society 16:3-161.

Webster, J.R., and D.J. D'Angelo.  1997.  A regional analysis of the physical characteristics of streams. Pages 87-95 in J.R. Webster and J.L. Meyer (editors).  Stream organic matter budgets.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 16:3-161.

Webster, J.R., and J.L. Meyer.  1997.  Organic matter budgets for streams:  a synthesis.  Pages 141-161 in J.R. Webster and J.L. Meyer (editors).  Stream organic matter budgets.  Journal  of the North American Benthological Society 16:3-161.

Wallace, J.B., S.L. Eggert, J.L. Meyer, J.R. Webster.  1997.  Multiple trophic levels of a forest stream linked to terrestrial litter inputs.  Science 277:102-104

Tank, J.L., J.R. Webster, E.F. Benfield, and R.L. Sinsabaugh.  1998.  The effect of leaf litter exclusion on microbial enzyme activity associated with wood biofilms in streams.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 17:95-103

Tank, J.L., and J.R. Webster.  1998.  Interaction of substrate availability and nutrient distribution on wood biofilm development in streams.  Ecology 79:2168-2179.

Webster, J.R., E.F. Benfield, M.A. Schaeffer, T.P. Ehrman, J.L. Tank, J.J. Hutchens, and D.J. D’Angelo. 1999.  What happens to allochthonous material that falls into streams:  synthesis of new and published information from Coweeta.  Freshwater Biology 41:687-705.

Webster, J.D., and J.R. Webster.  1999.  Skeletons and the genera of sparrows (Emberizinae).  Auk 116:1054-1074.

Wallace, J.B., S.L. Eggert, J.L. Meyer, J.R. Webster.  1999.  Effects of resource limitation on a detrital-based ecosystem.  Ecological Monographs 69:409-442.

Dolloff, C.A., and J.R. Webster.  2000.  Particulate organic contributions from forests to streams:  debris isn't so bad.  Pages 125-138 in Riparian management in forests of the continental eastern United States, E.S. Verry, J.W. Hornbeck, and C.A. Dolloff (editors).    Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida.

Mulholland, P.J., J.L. Tank, D.M. Sanzone, W. Wollheim, B.J. Peterson, J.R. Webster, and J.L. Meyer.  2000.  Food resources of stream macroinvertebrates determined by natural-abundance stable C and N isotopes and a 15N addition.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19:145-157.

Tank, J.L., J.L. Meyer, D.M. Sanzone, P.J. Mulholland, J.R. Webster, B.J. Peterson, and N.E. Leonard.  2000.  Analysis of nitrogen cycling in a forest stream during autumn using a 15N tracer addition.  Limnology and Oceanography 45:1013-1029. 

Mulholland, P.J., J.L. Tank, D.M. Sanzone, W. Wollheim, B.J. Peterson, J.R. Webster, and J.L. Meyer.  2000.  Nitrogen cycling in a forest stream determined by a 15N tracer addition.  Ecological Monographs 70:471-493.

Meyer, J.L., C. Hax, J.B. Wallace, S.L. Eggert, and J.R. Webster.  2000.  Terrestrial litter inputs as determinants of food quality of organic matter in a forest stream.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:1346-1350.

Wallace, J.B., S.L. Eggert, J.R. Webster, and J.L. Meyer. 2000.  Assessment of small woody debris dynamics in a headwater stream.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:1361-1365.

Webster, J.R., J.L. Tank, J.B. Wallace, J.L. Meyer, S.L. Eggert, T.P. Ehrman, B.R. Ward, B.L. Bennett, P.F. Wagner, and M.E. McTammany.  2000.  Effects of litter exclusion and wood removal on phosphorus and nitrogen retention in a forest stream.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:1337-1340.

Benfield, E.F., J.R. Webster, J.J. Hutchens, J.L. Tank, and P.A. Turner.  2000.  Organic matter dynamics along a stream-order and elevational gradient in a southern Appalachian stream.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:1341-1345.

Mulholland, P.J., J.L. Tank, D.M. Sanzone, J.R. Webster, W. Wollheim, B.J. Peterson, and J.L. Meyer.  2000.  Ammonium and nitrate uptake lengths in a small forested stream determined by 15N tracer and short-term nutrient enrichment experiments. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:1320-1325.

Peterson, B.J., W. Wollheim, P.J. Mulholland, J.R. Webster, J.L. Meyer, J.L. Tank, Martí, E., W.B. Bowden, H.M. Valett, A.E. Hershey, W.H. McDowell, W.K. Dodds, S.K. Hamilton, S.V. Gregory, and D.D. Morrall.  2001. Control of nitrogen export from watersheds by headwater streams.  Science 292:86-90.

Webster, J.R., E.F. Benfield, J.J. Hutchens, J.L. Tank, S.W. Golladay, and J.C. Adams.  2001.  Do leaf breakdown rates actually measure leaf disappearance from streams?  International Review of Hydrobiology 86:417-427.

Benfield, E.F., J.R. Webster, J.L. Tank, and J.J. Hutchens.  2001.  Long-term patterns in leaf breakdown in streams in response to watershed logging.  International Review of Hydrobiology 86:467-474.

Wallace J.B., J.R. Webster, S.E. Eggert, J.L. Meyer, and E.R. Siler.  2001.  Large woody debris in a headwater stream: long-term legacies of forest disturbance.  International Review of Hydrobiology 86:501-513

Mulholland, P.J., C.S. Fellows, J.L. Tank, N.B. Grimm, J.R. Webster, S.K. Hamilton, E. Martí, L. Ashkenas, W.B. Bowden, W.K. Dodds, W.H. McDowell, M.J. Paul, and B.J. Peterson.  2001.  Inter-biome comparison of factors controlling stream metabolism.  Freshwater Biology 46:1503-1517.

Hamilton, S.K., J.L. Tank, D.F. Raikow, W.M. Wollheim, B.J. Peterson, and J.R. Webster.  2001.  Nitrogen uptake and transformation in a midwestern US stream: A stable isotope enrichment study.  Biogeochemistry 54:297-340.

Martin, L.A., P.J. Mulholland, J.R. Webster, and H.M. Valett.  2001.  Denitrification potential in sediments of headwater streams in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 20:505-519.

Thomas, S.A., H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, P.J. Mulholland, C.S. Fellows, C.N. Dahm, and C.G. Peterson.  2001.  Nitrogen retention in headwater streams: the influence of groundwater  surface water interaction.  In: Optimizing nitrogen management in food and energy production and environmental protection: Proceedings of the 2nd International Nitrogen Conference on Science and Policy.  The Scientific World 1(S2):623-631.

Tank, J.L., P.J Mulholland, J.L. Meyer, W.B. Bowden, J.R Webster, and B.J Peterson.  2001.  Contrasting food web linkages for the grazing pathway in three temperate forested streams using 15N as a tracer. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:2832-2835.

Webster, J.R. J.A. Stanford, J.L. Chaffin, and Field Ecology Class.  2002.  Large wood jam in a fourth-order Rocky Mountain stream.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28:93-96.

Crenshaw, C.L., H.M. Valett, and J.R. Webster.  2002.  Effects of augmentation of coarse particulate organic matter on metabolism and nutrient retention in hyporheic sediments.  Freshwater Biology 47:1820-1831.

Dodds, W.K., A.J. López, W.B. Bowden, S. Gregory, N.B. Grimm, S.K. Hamilton, A.E. Hershey, E. Martí, W.H. McDowell, J.L. Meyer, D. Morrall, P.J. Mulholland, B.J. Peterson, J.T. Tank, H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, and W. Wollheim.  2002.  N uptake as a function of concentration in streams.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 21:206-220.

Mulholland, P.J., J.L. Tank, J.R. Webster, W.B. Bowden, W.K. Dodds, S.V. Gregory, N.B. Grimm, S.K. Hamilton, S.L. Johnson, E. Martí, W.H. McDowell, J.L. Merriam, J.L. Meyer, B.J. Peterson, H.M. Valett, and W.M. Wollheim.  2002.  Can uptake length in streams be determined by nutrient addition experiments?  Results from an inter-biome comparison study.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 21:544-560.

Thomas, S.A., H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, and P.J. Mulholland.  2003.  A regression approach to estimating reactive solute uptake in advective and transient storage compartments of stream ecosystems.  Advances in Water Resources 26:965-976.

McTammany, M.E., J.R. Webster, E.F. Benfield, and M.A. Neatrour.  2003.  Longitudinal patterns of metabolism in a southern Appalachian river.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 22:359-370.

Webster, J.R., P.J. Mulholland, J.L. Tank, B.J. Peterson, W.R. Dodds, H.M. Valett, W.B.  Bowden, C.N. Dahm, S. Findlay, S.V. Gregory, N.B. Grimm, S.K. Hamilton, S.L. Johnson, E. Martí, W.H. McDowell, J.L. Merriam, D.D. Morrall, J.L. Meyer, S.A. Thomas, and W.M. Wollheim.  2003.  Factors affecting ammonium uptake in streams – an inter-biome perspective.  Freshwater Biology 48:1329-1352.

Neatrour, M.A., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  2004.  The role of floods in particulate organic matter dynamics of a southern Appalachian river-floodplain ecosystem.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23:198-213.

Mulholland, P.J., H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, S.A. Thomas, L.N. Cooper, S. Hamilton, and B.J. Peterson.  2004.  Stream denitrification and total nitrate uptake rates measured using a field 15N tracer addition approach.  Limnology and Oceanography 49:809-820.

Dodds, W.K., E. Martí, J.L. Tank, J. Pontius, S.K. Hamilton, N.B. Grimm, W.B. Bowden, W.H. McDowell, B.J. Peterson, H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, and S. Gregory.  2004.  Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry and nitrogen cycling rates in streams.  Oecologia 140:458-467.

Payn, R.P., J.R. Webster, P.J. Mulholland, H.M. Valett, and W.K. Dodds.  2005.  Estimation of stream nutrient uptake from nutrient addition experiments.  Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 3:174-182.

Brookshire, J., H.M. Valett, S.A. Thomas, and J.R. Webster.  2005.  Coupled cycling of dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon in a forest stream.  Ecology 86:2487-2496.

Chaffin, J.L., H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, and M. Schreiber.  2005.  Influence of elevated As on leaf breakdown in an Appalachian headwater stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24:553-568.

Ellison, A. M., M.S. Bank, B. D. Clinton, E.A. Colburn, K. Elliott, C.R. Ford, D.R. Foster, B.D. Kloeppel, J.D. Knoepp, G.M. Lovett, J. Mohan, D.A. Orwig, N.L. Rodenhouse, W.V. Sobczak, K.A. Stinson, J.K. Stone, C.M. Swan, J. Thompson, B. Von Holle, and J.R. Webster.  2005.  Loss of foundation species: consequences for the structure and dynamics of forested ecosystems.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3:479-486.

Hagen, E.M., J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  2006.  Leaf breakdown rates are not a useful measure of stream integrity along an agricultural land use gradient.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25:330-343.

Webster, J.R., and H.M. Valett.  2006.  Solute dynamics.  Pages 169-185 in Methods in Stream Ecology, Second Edition.  F.R. Hauer and G.A. Lamberti (editors).  Academic Press, San Diego. 

Mulholland, P.J., S.A. Thomas, H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, and J. Beaulieu.  2006.   Effects of light on nitrate uptake in small forested streams:  effects of diurnal and day-to-day variations.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25:583-595.

Earl, S., H.M. Valett, and J.R. Webster.  2006.  Nitrogen saturation in stream ecosystems.  Ecology 87:3140-3151.

Brookshire, E.N.J., H.M. Valett, S.A. Thomas, and J.R. Webster.  2007.  Atmospheric N deposition increases organic N loss from temperate forests.  Ecosystems 10:252-262.

Webster, J.R.  2007.  Spiraling down the river continuum:  Stream ecology and the U-shaped curve.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26:375-389.

Earl, S., H.M. Valett, and J.R. Webster.  2007.  Nutrient spiraling in streams:  Comparisons between stable isotope tracer and nutrient addition experiments.  Limnology and Oceanography 52:1718-1723.

McTammany, M.E., E. F. Benfield, and J. R. Webster.  2007.  Recovery of stream ecosystem metabolism from historical agriculture.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26:532-545.

Lottig, N.R., H.M. Valett, M.E. Schreiber, and J.R. Webster.  2007.    Flooding and arsenic contamination: Influences on ecosystem structure and function in an Appalachian headwater stream.  Limnology and Oceanography 52:1991-2001.

McTammany, M.E., E. F. Benfield, and J. R. Webster.  2008.  Effects of agriculture on wood breakdown and microbial biofilm respiration in southern Appalachian streams.  Freshwater Biology 53:842-854.

Mulholland, P.J., A.M. Helton, G.C. Poole, R.O. Hall, S.K. Hamilton, B.J. Peterson, J.L. Tank, L.R. Ashkenas, L.W. Cooper, C.N. Dahm, W.K. Dodds, S. Findlay, S.V. Gregory, N.B. Grimm, S.L. Johnson, W.H. McDowell, J.L. Meyer, H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, C. Arango, J.J. Beaulieu, M.J. Bernot, A.J. Burgin, C. Crenshaw, L. Johnson, B. R. Niederlehner, J.M. O’Brien, J.D. Potter, R.W. Sheibley, D.J. Sobota, and S.M. Thomas.  2008.  Excess nitrate from agricultural and urban areas reduces denitrification efficiency in streams.  Nature 452:202-205.

Valett, H.M., S.A. Thomas, P.J. Mulholland, J.R. Webster, C.N. Dahm, C.S. Fellows, C.L. Crenshaw, and C.G. Peterson.   2008.  Endogenous and exogenous control of ecosystem function: N cycling in headwater streams.  Ecology 89:3515-3527.

Hall, R.O., J.L. Tank, D.J. Sobota, P.J. Mulholland, J.M. O’Brien, W.K. Dodds, J.R. Webster, H.M. Valett, G.C. Poole, B.J. Peterson, J.L. Meyer, W.H. McDowell, S.L. Johnson, S.K. Hamilton, N.B. Grimm, S.V. Gregory, C.N. Dahm, L.W. Cooper, L.R. Ashkenas, S.M. Thomas, R.W. Sheibley, J.D. Potter, B.R. Neiderlehner, L.T. Johnson, A.M. Helton, C.M. Crenshaw, A.J. Burgin, M.J. Bernot, J.J. Beaulieu, and C.P. Arango.  2009.  Nitrate removal in stream ecosystems measured by 15N addition experiments: Total uptake. Limnology and Oceanography 54:653-655.

Mulholland, P.J., R.O. Hall, D.J. Sobota, W.K. Dodds, S.E.G. Findlay, N.B. Grimm, S.K. Hamilton, W.H. McDowell, J.M. O’Brien, J.L. Tank, L.R. Ashkenas, L.W. Cooper, C.N. Dahm, S.V. Gregory, S.L. Johnson, J.L. Meyer, B.J. Peterson, G.C. Poole, H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, C.P. Arango, J.J. Beaulieu, M.J. Bernot, A.J. Burgin, C.L. Crenshaw, A.M. Helton, L.T. Johnson, B.R. Niederlehner, J.D. Potter, R.W. Sheibley, and S.M. Thomas.  2009.  Nitrate removal in stream ecosystems measured by 15N addition experiments:  Denitrification.  Limnology and Oceanography 54:666-680.

Webster, J.R., J.D. Newbold, S.A. Thomas, H.M. Valett, and P.J. Mulholland.  2009.  Nutrient uptake and mineralization during leaf decay in streams – a model simulation.  International Review of Hydrobiology 94:372-390.

Mulholland, P.J., and J.R. Webster.  2010.  Nutrient dynamics in streams and the role of J-NABS. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29:100-117.

Bernot, M.J., D.J. Sobota, R.O. Hall, P.J. Mulholland, W.K. Dodds, J.R. Webster, J.L. Tank, L.R. Ashkenas, L.W. Cooper, C.N. Dahm, S.V. Gregory, N.B. Grimm, S.K. Hamilton, S.L. Johnson, W.H. McDowell, J.L. Meyer, B. Peterson, G.C. Poole, H.M. Valett, C. Arango, J.J. Beaulieu, A.J. Burgin, C. Crenshaw, A.M. Helton, L. Johnson, J. Merriam, B.R. Niederlehner, J.M. O’Brien, J.D. Potter, R.W. Sheibley, S.M. Thomas, and K. Wilson.  2010.  Inter-regional comparison of land-use effects on stream metabolism.  Freshwater Biology 55:1877-1890.

Brookshire, J., S. Gerber, J.R. Webster, J.M. Vose, and W.T. Swank.  2010.  Direct effects of temperature on forest nitrogen cycling revealed through analysis of long term watershed records.  Global Change Biology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02245.x

Hagen, E.M., M.E. McTammany, J.R. Webster, and E.F. Benfield.  2010.  Shifts in allochthonous input and autochthonous production in streams along an agricultural land-use gradient.  Hydrobiologia 655:61-77.

Helton, A.M., G.C. Poole, J.L. Meyer, W.L. Wollheim, B.J. Peterson, P.J. Mulholland, E.S. Bernhardt, J.A. Stanford, C. Arango, L.R. Ashkenas, L.W. Cooper, W.K. Dodds, S.V. Gregory, R.O. Hall, S.K. Hamilton, S.L. Johnson, W.H. McDowell, J.D. Potter, J.L. Tank, S.M. Thomas, H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, and L. Zeglin. 2011.  Thinking outside the channel: modeling nitrogen cycling in networked river ecosystems.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:229-238.

McManamay, R.A., J.R. Webster, H.M. Valett, and C.A. Dolloff.  2011.  Does diet influence consumer nutrient cycling?  Examining macroinvertebrate and fish excretion in streams.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30:84-102.

Northington, R.M., Benfield, E.F., S.H. Schoenholtz, A.J. Timpano, J.R. Webster, and C. Zipper.  2011.  An assessment of structural attributes and ecosystem function in restored Virginia coalfield streams.  Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-011-0703-7.

Cheever, B.M., E.B. Kratzer, and J.R. Webster.  2012.  Immobilization and mineralization of N and P by heterotrophic biofilms during leaf decomposition.  Freshwater Science 31:133-147.

Webster, J.R., E.F. Benfield, K. Cecala, J.F. Chamblee, C. Dehering, T.Gragson, J. Hepinstall, C.R. Jackson, J. Knoepp, D. Leigh, J. Maerz, C. Pringle, and H.M. Valett.  2012.  Water quality and exurbanization in southern Appalachian streams.  Pages 91-106 in P.J. Boon and P.J. Raven (editors).  River Conservation and Management.  Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK.

Knapp, A.K., M.D. Smith, S.E. Hobbie, S.L. Collins, T.J. Fahey, G.J.A. Hansen, D.A. Landis, K.J. La Pierre, J.M. Melillo, T.R. Seastedt, G.R. Shaver, and J.R. Webster. 2012.  Past, present and future roles of long-term experiments in ecology.  BioScience 62:377-389.

Webster, J.R., K. Morkeski, C.A. Wojculewski, B.R. Niederlehner, E.F. Benfield, and K.J. Elliott.  2012.  Effects of hemlock mortality on streams in the southern Appalachian Mountains.  American Midland Naturalist 168:112-131.

Lin, L., and J.R. Webster.  2012.  Sensitivity analysis of the pulse addition method for estimating nutrient uptake in streams.  Limnology and Oceanography: Methods10:718-727.  DOI: 10.4319/lom.2012.10.718.

Eggert, S.L., J.B. Wallace, J.L. Meyer, and J.R. Webster.  2012.  Storage and export of organic matter in a headwater stream: responses to long-term detrital manipulations.  Ecosphere 3(9):75.

Cheever, B.M., J.R. Webster, E.E. Bilger, and S.A. Thomas. 2013. The relative importance of exogenous and substrate-derived nitrogen for microbial growth during leaf decomposition. Ecology 94(7): 1614-1625

Johnson, L.T., J.L. Tank, R.O. Hall Jr., P.J. Mulholland, S.K. Hamilton, H.M. Valett, J.R. Webster, M.J. Bernot, W.H. McDowell, B.J. Peterson, S.M. Thomas. 2013. Quantifying the production of dissolved organic nitrogen in headwater streams using 15N tracer additions. Limnol. Oceanogr. 58(4), 1271-1285

Northington, R.M., J.R. Webster, E.F. Benfield, B.M. Cheever, B.R. Niederlehner. 2013. Ecosystem Function in Appalachian Headwater Streams during an Active Invasion by the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid. PLoS ONE 8(4):e61171.

Lin, L. and J.R. Webster. 2014. Detritus decomposition and nutrient dynamics in a forested headwater stream. Ecological Modeling 293:58-68.

Swank, W.T., and J.R. Webster (editors).  2014.  Long-term response of a forest watershed ecosystem: clearcutting in the southern Appalachians.  247 pp.  Oxford University Press, New York.

Swank, W.T., and J.R. Webster.  2014.  Programmatic background, site description, and experimental treatment.  Pages 1-10 in W.T. Swank and J.R. Webster (editors).  Long-term response of a forest watershed ecosystem: clearcutting in the southern Appalachians.  Oxford University Press, New York.

Swank, W.T., J.D. Knoepp, J.M. Vose, S. Laseter, and J.R. Webster.  2014.  Response and recovery of water yield and timing, stream sediment, abiotic parameters, and stream chemistry.  Pages 36-56 in W.T. Swank and J.R. Webster (editors).  Long-term response of a forest watershed ecosystem: clearcutting in the southern Appalachians.  Oxford University Press, New York.

Webster, J.R., E.F. Benfield, S.G. Golladay, and M.E. McTammany.  2014.  Recovery of particulate organic matter dynamics in a stream draining a logged watershed -- a pressing situation.  Pages 156-176 in W.T. Swank and J. R. Webster (editors).  Long-term response of a forest watershed ecosystem: clearcutting in the southern Appalachians.  Oxford University Press, New York.

Meyer, J.L., J.R. Webster, J.D. Knoepp, and E.F. Benfield.  2014.  Dynamics of dissolved organic carbon in a stream during a quarter century of forest succession. Pages 102-117 in W.T. Swank and J.R. Webster (editors).  Long-term response of a forest watershed ecosystem: clearcutting in the southern Appalachians.  Oxford University Press, New York.

Webster, J.R., W.T. Swank, J.M. Vose, J.E. Knoepp, and K.J. Elliott.  2014. Ecosystem stability and forest watershed management: A synthesis of 30+ years of research on WS 7. Pages 229-247 in W.T. Swank and J.R. Webster (editors).  Long-term response of a forest watershed ecosystem: clearcutting in the southern Appalachians.  Oxford University Press, New York.

Adams, M.B., J.D. Knoepp, and J.R. Webster.  2014. Inorganic nitrogen retention by watersheds at Fernow Experimental Forest and Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory.  Soil Science Society of America Journal 78:S84–S94.

Dodds, W.K., J.R. Webster, C.L. Crenshaw, A.M. Helton, J.M. O'Brien, E. Martí, A.E. Hershey, J.L. Tank, A.J. Burgin, N.B. Grimm, S.K. Hamilton, D.J. Sobota, G.C. Poole, J.J. Beaulieu, L.T. Johnson, L.R. Ashkenas, R.O. Hall, S.L. Johnson, W.M. Wollheim, and W.B. Bowden. 2014.  The Lotic Intersite Nitrogen Experiments: an example of successful ecological research collaboration.  Freshwater Science 33:700-710.

Cheever, B.M., and J.R. Webster.  2014.  Effects of consumers and nitrogen availability on heterotrophic microbial activity during leaf decomposition in headwater streams.  Freshwater Biology 59:1768-1780.

Dodds, W. K., Collins, S.M., Hamilton, S.K.,Tank, J. L., Johnson, S. ,Webster, J. R.,Simon, K. S.,Whiles, M. R., Rantala, H. M, McDowell, W. H., Peterson, S.D., Riis, T, Crenshaw, C. L., Thomas, S. A., Kristensen, P. B., Cheever, B. M., Flecker, A. S., Griffiths, N.A., Crowl, T. , Rosi-Marshall, E. J., El-Sabaawi, R., Martí, E. 2014. You are not always what we think you eat: selective assimilation across multiple whole-stream isotopic tracer studies. Ecology 95:2757–2767

Wallace, J.B., S.L. Eggert, J.L. Meyer, and J.R. Webster.  2015.  Stream invertebrate assemblages and productivity linked to forest subsidies: thirty-seven stream years of reference and experimental data.  Ecology 96:1213-1228.

Lin, L., J.R. Webster, T. Hwang, and L.E. Band.  2015.  Effects of lateral nitrate flux and instream processes on dissolved inorganic nitrogen export in a forested catchment: A model sensitivity analysis.  Water Resources Research 51:2680-2695.

Webster, J.R.  J.D. Knoepp, W.T. Swank, and C.F. Miniat.  2016.  Evidence for a regime shift in nitrogen export from a forested watershed.  Ecosystems 19:881-895.

Webster, J.R., J.D. Newbold, and L. Lin.  2016.  Nutrient spiraling and transport in streams -- The importance of instream biological processes to nutrient dynamics in streams.  Pages 181-239 in J. Jones and E. Stanley (editors).  Stream ecosystems in a changing environment.  Elsevier.

Baker, M.A., and J.R. Webster. 2017.  Conservative and reactive solute dynamics.  Pages 129-145 in F.R. Hauer and G.A. Lamberti (editors).  Methods in stream ecology, third edition.  Academic Press, San Diego.

Northington, R.M., and J.R. Webster.  2017.  Experimental reductions in stream flow alter litter processing and consumer subsidies in headwater streams.  Freshwater Biology 62:737-750.

Follstad Shah, J., J. Kominoski, M. Ardon, W. Dodds, M. Gessner, N. Griffiths, C. Hawkins, A. Lecerf, C. LeRoy, D. Manning, S. Johnson, A. Rosemond, R. Sinsabaugh, C. Swan, J. Webster, and L. Zeglin. 2017. Global synthesis of the temperature sensitivity of leaf litter breakdown in streams and rivers.  Global Change Biology 23:3064-3075.

Norman, B.C., M.R. Whiles, S.M. Collins, A.S. Flecker, S.K. Hamilton, S.L. Johnson, E.J. Rosi-Marshall, L.R. Ashkenas, W.B. Bowden, C.L. Crenshaw, T. Crowl, W.K. Dodds, R.O. Hall, R. El-Sabaawi, N.A. Griffiths, E. Martí, W.H. McDowell, S.D. Peterson, H.M. Rantala, T. Riis, K.S. Simon, J.L. Tank, S.A. Thomas, D. von Schiller, and J.R. Webster.  2017.  Drivers of nitrogen transfer efficiencies in stream food webs across continents.  Ecology 98:3044-3055.

Jackson, R.C., R.A. Bahn, and J.R. Webster.  2017.  Landscape context mediates water quality effects of rural land use and exurbanization: southern Appalachian Mountains.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53:1212-1228.

Tank, J.L., E. Martí, T. Riis, D. von Schiller, A.J. Reisinger, W.K. Dodds, M.R. Whiles, L.R. Ashkenas, W.B. Bowden, S.M. Collins, C.L. Crenshaw, T.A. Crowl, N.A. Griffiths, N.B. Grimm, S.K. Hamilton, S.L. Johnson, W.H. McDowell, B.M. Norman E.J. Rosi-Marshall, K.S. Simon, S.A. Thomas, and J.R. Webster.  2018.  Partitioning assimilatory nitrogen uptake in streams: an analysis of stable isotope tracer additions across continents.  Ecological Monographs 88:120-138.

Jackson, C.R., J.R. Webster, J.D. Knoepp, K.J. Elliott, R.E. Emanuel, P.V. Caldwell, and C.R. Miniat.  2018.  Unhypothesized conceptual advances made possible by long-term data: A Coweeta example.  WIRES Water DOI 10.1002/wat2.1273.

Meyers, B.J.E., C.A., Dolloff, J.R. Webster, K.H. Nislow, B. Fair, and A.L. Rypel.  2018.  Fish assemblage production estimates in Appalachian streams across a latitudinal and temperature gradient.  Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27:363-377.

Webster, J.R., R.M. Stewart, J.D. Knoepp, and C.R. Jackson.  2018.  Effects of instream processes, discharge, and land cover on nitrogen export from southern Appalachian Mountain catchments. (Supplement 1) (Supplement 2) (Supplement 3) Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13325.

Tiegs, S. and 151 co-authors.  Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones.  Science Advances, in press, October 2018.